School Profile
Wilmington Christian Academy is a private, non-denominational, coeducational Christian school including four divisions:
Preschool, Elementary, Middle School, and High School.
Founded: 1969
Location: WCA is located in a suburban area of Wilmington, NC. Approximately 467,000 people reside in the greater Wilmington area. WCA is the largest private school in Southeastern NC.
24' -25' Enrollment
Ethic Diversity:
Caucasian - 89% African American - 4% Asian - 2% Hispanic - 2% Other - 3%
ACT Composite Average Scores:
Annual Average: 21.6
School Year:
180 days of instruction divided into 9-week quarters
GPA Grade Scale / Calculation
Grade Scale
A+ 98 - 100
A 93-97
A- 90-92
B+ 87-89
B 83-86
B- 80-82
C+ 77-79
C 73-76
C- 70-72
D+ 67-69
D 63-66
D- 60-62
F 0-59
Governing Agency: North Carolina Division of Non-Public Education
Affiliations: North Carolina Christian School Association & American Association of Christian Schools
North Carolina Christian School Association
North American Christian School Accrediting Agency
National Council for Private School Accreditation
Administration & Faculty: 71
Class Size:
High School - 18-25 | Middle School – 25 | Elementary – 25
Iowa Achievement tests administered yearly to grades K5 through 12
Star Reading assessment administered multiples times annually to grades K5 through 8
PreACT 8/9 administered to Freshman
PreACT administered to Sophomores
ACT with writing administered to all Juniors
High School Programs:
General: Fulfills high school graduation requirements.
College Prep: Course requirements meet and exceed the University of North Carolina system entrance requirements.
Honors: Requires students to complete all the requirements for the college prep program, a fourth year of science, and a fifth year of math, and to obtain a final grade point average of 3.67 or higher.
Resource: Individually designed to address learning disabilities.
College Acceptance:
98% of graduates pursue post-secondary education. WCA graduates have successfully gained acceptance into major public and private colleges throughout the United States. Graduates frequently secure college scholarships for athletic and academic achievement. Alumni have successfully completed advanced degrees in many fields such as ministry, medicine, law, business, education, journalism, law enforcement, technology, engineering and the military. Click here for a list of colleges that have accepted WCA alumni.
HS Beta Club; MS Beta Club; Elementary National Honor Society; Elementary STEM Club; Elementary Art Club; Student Council; Trail Life; intramural and interscholastic athletic teams; fine arts programs; clubs; foreign travel opportunities; and community service activities