Visual Arts
Wilmington Christian Academy offers an outstanding visual arts program. We strive to fulfill our mission through training our students to glorify God with artistic expression. The students explore vast array of mediums while honing their ability to visualize, plan, and create works of art that express and communicate effectively.
Pre-schoolers are encouraged to express themselves using traditional and non-traditional art media. They learn about color and texture while practicing fine motor skills through painting, coloring, cutting, pasting, and mixing. Children discover that art is fun and that they can make art out of anything! The program is designed to add excitement to everyday learning and to foster the beginning of a lifetime love and appreciation for art.
Wilmington Christian Academy provides art classes for elementary students on a weekly basis. The students discover numerous media. Elementary students may also participate in Art Club after school. Each spring, the 3rd-5th graders get to enter their art in the NCCSA Fine Arts Competition where they can win ribbons for their artwork.
Middle & High School
Because Middle and High school classes are elective based, this allows developing artists the opportunity to have smaller class sizes as well as explore mediums like drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture and collage.
Participating in community, state, and national competitions gives fine art students a great opportunity to showcase their work and challenge themselves. These competitions are also a way for them to see other artwork from our community, state and nation.